The Energy of Water
As you probably know, all things are made up of atoms and the subatomic particles that make up atoms are always in motion. Even a rock that appears to be perfectly still is still moving and making these tiny vibrations. Just because humans cannot see or hear the sounds that those vibrations make doesn't mean that a sound is not made. So, in other words, all things make sounds (no matter how small). What does this have to do with water? Well, water is excellent at taking the shapes of things that give off energy. They are perfect conductors of vibrations.
Dr. Masaru Emoto is a Japanese renown author, speaker, and Doctor of Alternative Medicine. He did many studies on water in one of his books called The Miracle of Water where he collected water and exposed them to different vibrations (like chants, music, spoken words and written words) both in English and Japanese. He then froze the water drops and looked at the crystals that were formed via a microscope. Each crystal is very unique, and you can clearly see that positive words always resulted in beautiful crystals while negative words formed disfigured or mutated looking crystals. His theory is that since our bodies are 70 % water then imagine what our water crystals would look like if they were exposed to negative words instead of positive ones. Our body water would be misshaped from the inside out.
Let's take a look at Dr. Emoto's findings:
Dr. Masaru Emoto is a Japanese renown author, speaker, and Doctor of Alternative Medicine. He did many studies on water in one of his books called The Miracle of Water where he collected water and exposed them to different vibrations (like chants, music, spoken words and written words) both in English and Japanese. He then froze the water drops and looked at the crystals that were formed via a microscope. Each crystal is very unique, and you can clearly see that positive words always resulted in beautiful crystals while negative words formed disfigured or mutated looking crystals. His theory is that since our bodies are 70 % water then imagine what our water crystals would look like if they were exposed to negative words instead of positive ones. Our body water would be misshaped from the inside out.
Let's take a look at Dr. Emoto's findings:
Dr. Masaru Emoto exposed this water to the phrase "Love and Gratitude" on a whim that together the love given and the gratitude received will form the most beautiful water crystal when frozen. He strongly believes that this idea of balance between the sharing or love and gratitude is required for harmony and peace. I thought it was interesting when Dr. Masaru Emoto compares water exposed to Japanese characters or a Japanese spoken words to those of English written or spoken words with the same meanings. Two slightly different crystals formed (English vs. Japanese crystals), but they showed very similar traits and symmetry. It was as if the water understood the meaning of each vibration despite the different languages.
Even simply choosing your words carefully can make a huge difference to how your body responds to those vibrations. For example, the "You tried hard" water crystal spoken to a child working on homework is very beautiful and encouraging, while the "It's hopeless" water crystal appears to be destroyed from the inside out. It leaves you feeling empty and hollow. So which one would you portray throughout life? Dr. Masaru Emoto says that many of the words we say today are not understandable concepts to nature, such as "it's hopeless," because in nature trees, plants, animals, rocks, and all of nature never would have a feeling of hopelessness or they would simply give up on life. If a zebra thoughts it was hopeless to run from the lion, there would be no zebras left in the world. This feeling of hopelessness is unnatural and unhealthy for any life, including humans. While if you look at the next crystal, "Hope," you will see how beautifully water absorbs that vibration.
This is a picture of the crystal that water forms when exposed to the word "Hope." I think it is extremely beautiful. If you fill your life with hope, your water in your body will be ready to form this beautiful crystal.
Not all words are positive ones. I wanted to show you what Masaru Emoto found when he compared the word "Happiness" to the word's opposite, "Unhappiness." Unhappiness seems to look like it was trying to be happy, but broke down in the process. It was destroyed by the fact that it wasn't happy. Being happy all the time is certainly impossible and should be, because people have a wide arrange of emotions, and specific times definitely call for a period of sadness or grief. Still, it is important to keep your body filled with as much happiness and love and gratitude as possible by seeing both sides of the situation. Look for the positive details in every event and you can lead a more positive life. I was once told of a 10 % rule, which simply stated means the following: life is 10% event, and 90% your reaction to that event. So in any situation good or bad, your attitude to the event is what you ultimately have control over. It also explains why some people see the same situation differently. Your attitude and reaction is your choice. So please be more mindful of the words you say and the words you let into your life, because they resonate within you and your body reacts to them whether you realize it or not.
Whenever you say that you "hate" someone or something, this is the result of that vibration you are emitting. This crystal, to me, looks like a lamprey's mouth. Lampreys are ancient jawless fish that attach themselves to other fish with hooked rows of teeth. It can also be thought of something similar to a leech. It sucks all the positive energy out of you and leaves you feeling empty and hollow. Being aware of the words you use is an incredible power. You can resonate incredible beauty in others, or you can really hurt someone. Do not use negative words lightly, as you can see the aftermath is dramatic.
As you can see, this beautiful water crystal has formed three crystals surrounding each other. Dr. Masaru Emoto suggests that this means three generations of family: grandparents, parents, and children. While it is rare to have three generations of people living together in today's modern society, it doesn't mean that the connections are not still there. Visiting grandparents and parents keeps the child in this balance of true familial love. Perhaps the child will be more likely to even visit their parents with their own children and pass on the tradition of this close bond that loving families share.